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Bon Patron, Online Spelling and Grammar Checker for French as a Second Language

Français interactif, University of Texas, First year French course.

Online French Resources French and Italian Department University of Texas, Trois Ressources Éducative de COERLL, Karen Kelton, Dropmark presentation for 27 October 2012 at St. Edward's

    Les Conversations mises à jour, un site de conversations inspirées par StoryCorps et qui permet aux enseignants de trouver des exemples de langage authentique par thème et fonction grammaticale.  Melissa Skidmore et Bea Schleppe, University of Texas

    Le Littéraire dans le quotidien, des activités de lecture et d'écriture en format Google Docs, Joanne Luks, Cornell University

    Vidéos Rhône-Alpes des exercices de compréhension orale en format Google Docs pour exploiter des vidéos de haute qualité du site, Nancy Guilloteau, Karen Kelton, Meredith Lehman, Megan Oprea, University of Texas

Hé, free web space in French

Tex's French Grammar, University of Texas, First year French interactive grammar guide.

Comic Life It's easy to add images from digital cameras, computer web-cameras, clip art from CD's and the web, stills from QuickTime movies, scanned photos and drawings – just about any on-screen image can be used in Comic Life. Adding captions and word balloons is as easy as drag and drop.

Difference between savoir and connaître delivered by audio.

Pronunciation of phonemes, consonants, vowels, virelangues, with very easy exercises in discrimination.



French Heritage in Texas, links to French Legation Museum, McNay Museum, Castroville, La Belle shipwreck at Corpus Christi  Museum of Science and History

History of French in Louisiana, Brian Barnett, University of Oregon, session given at AATF 2011 Montréal



To promote production of language  -  Dr. Moira Di Mauro-Jackson. Ph.D. from University of Texas at Austin in Comparative Literature, Senior Lecturer at Texas State University, specialization in
late 19th- and 20th-Century English, French and Italian Literature;



Dr. Anne Cirella-Urrutia, Ph.D. from the University of Texas in Comparative Literature, Lecture at the Huston-Tillotson University in the College of Fine Arts and Humanities recommande:    

Dominique Mwankumi, auteur-artiste, ses origines africaines imprègne ses créations des couleurs chaudes et fascinantes de son continent d'origine.  Join him on Facebook :              

Anne recommende ce lien pour voir son oeuvre "La pêche à la marmite et les petits acrobates du fleuve".

Tomi Ungerer, artiste et auteur, join him on Facebook.



Jackie Thomas, Regents Professor Texas A&M University at Kingsville, Songs and excercises to accompany the songs of Christine Albert.

Chansons françaises et francophones en cours de FLE: French through Song and Singing  -  Aaron Prevôts



French in Action now on DVD $16, Pierre Capretz' adventures of Mireille

Le point du FLE.  Formation des angues étrangères.  Join FLE on Facebook

Liens recommandés par Anne Cirella-Urrutia, de Huston-Tillotson